Musician and computer anti-talent?

Age 33, Male


Joined on 8/27/05

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BloodyN00b's News

Posted by BloodyN00b - January 1st, 2011

Towards the end of last year I kinda suffred from serious lack of patience. I was about to call it a writer's block, but the real problem was really that I lost all ability to just sit down, relax and do anything.
But today I got a BloodyHeadache(tm), one of those headaches that totally incapacitates you. And it made me lay in bed and as I layed there I couldn't think, and so I cleared my mind. And after a while, when nothing was left there to block my synapses, the BloodyHeadache didn't matter anymore, nothing mattered anymore, my mind was blank and standing by to process new information, time didn't matter anymore.

That was maybe four or five hours ago, and the time between then and now is a pretty dark space as far as my memory is concerned, but during that time I made this. The only thing I know for certain is that I, unfortunately, had to stop when my ears got too weary too continue.

I think my mind is back to it's normal "closed" state now, and I'm even having trouble writing this. These occasional fluctuations confuse me. I feel insane.

Seems like 2011 will be an interesting year.

Posted by BloodyN00b - December 31st, 2010

Happy(new Year(2011));

Posted by BloodyN00b - December 24th, 2010

Dear Newgrounder,
I hope that your place lies covered beneath a coat of the purest white snow, and that it reflects the light from all the decorations right into space, letting the solar system know that it's Christmas time. I hope that you've made all your deadlines, that your business is done, and even if it's not, that neither work nor money matters right now. I hope that your friends and family feel the same way. I hope that the Internet has not consumed you and that you are spending the holidays together with them. I hope that you have traditions, and that they evolve with you. I hope you have what you need right now and that you are all happy with eachother and your lives and, I hope that this is the best Christmas ever, like every year.

I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas, for then your hard work has been worth it and you have proven how life can be wonderful. I wish that the world will one day celebrate and share these feelings as one.

Friend or foe, black or white or yellow, mac/pc user, I doesn't matter,
I wish you the best and merriest. Christmas. Ever.

Now please check out my music, don't worry, I've never killed an ear, some of my stuff sounds kinda good... nothing christmas-ish though if you were looking for that.

Posted by BloodyN00b - August 12th, 2010

Today I wanted to find the perfect chord progression. After hours of testing and careful analyzing, I couldn't find it. Perhaps some other day...

Posted by BloodyN00b - July 20th, 2010

Every single news post I make has a tendency to become outdated the second I post it. News tend to be like that I guess, but most posts were probably not intended to really be news posts. I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish with these messages.
Everything I write turns into emotional garbage, nothing is ever rational and it's hard to understand, even for me, why I wrote some of the things. Therefore I seldom write news posts. I write music instead.

Posted by BloodyN00b - May 27th, 2010

Status of my WIPs:
Almost all unfinished projects are on hold until further notice, they're not really in progress anymore. The only one I plan on finishing soon is Chess.
If you really, really want me to also finish something else, tell me and I might try doing it just for you ;) Lack of motivation is my main problem :P

Plans for future:
Write music, conquer worlds.

Current music motivation level:
I want to finish Chess, but I've managed to get Save Tonight byt Eagle-Eye Cherry stuck in my head. Two genres that I don't really know how to blend yet.
I also have an exam on Monday, my last before summer. It's about data-structures and does a good job at keeping me too tense to feel my music properly. Flashes of inspiration can of course change everything in an instant, but this is my situation right now.

Current music production level:
I hate equalizers and I hate mastering.
I just discovered what the Em C G D progression is the key to success.
I keep running out of RAM when loading my samples.
In other words, I still live up to my name.

I will try to update this post now and then, when things change or when I find more things to write.
Also, for what it's worth, ALL my music is under the CC license, which means that you pretty much CAN do anything with it without my permission as long as it does not involve money and you give me credit.

Posted by BloodyN00b - April 14th, 2010

An hour ago I thought I should go to bed, but without having done anything creative today I couldn't just leave my computer. I decided to open up FL and I tried hard to make it write me the most awesome dance song in the universe. I was telling it how to sidechain my kicks to my pads and make the bass awesome, but it just stared back at me with some buttons, sliders and a cpu monitor; as if I didn't already have two others. Redundant redundancy at its best.

Needless to say, I had to do everything myself and after a while things began to sound good. I kept adding instruments all with different melodies (counterpoint?), into one pattern, thinking "HAHAHA, Paradise on Earth [by B0UNC3] has nothing on this!". Then I noticed an hour had passed and I am still working with a 7 second long pattern (common time, 140bpm). There's still the entire song to make...
Better go to bed before I stay up all night.

Posted by BloodyN00b - April 3rd, 2010

I just don't have time/patience to spend on NG lately. The weather is great so staying indoors is just painful, there's lots of parkour to be trained.
And when I'm not outdoors I should be studying linear algebra, programming and stuff. Won't be working with music very much now, but I might start uploading some of my old stuff that I've more or less given up hope on finishing.

That's about it for now,
Happy Easter!

EDIT: It's all bullshit, I cannot run away from music, especially not when I try :D

Posted by BloodyN00b - February 2nd, 2010

One month has passed since the beginning of the new decade. And here I am being actively inactive. No new music to upload, no funny feelings to vent, no progress towards my goals for this year and I'm not doing anything about it.
Thanks to my inactivity I've also somehow managed to get into a dispute with some local authorities. I had a feeling it had to happen eventually, but the timing is terrible because it leaves me with so many thoughts on my mind right now that I can't focus on my studies properly. I'm too stressed even to play videogames :o
I guess this is life.

Posted by BloodyN00b - December 14th, 2009

1. You start studying because you are really interested in learning how software actually works. You probably also want to learn a thing or two about how hackers work, you nosy bastard.

2. ??

3. You wish you didn't know what a computer is.