Musician and computer anti-talent?

Age 33, Male


Joined on 8/27/05

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BloodyN00b's News

Posted by BloodyN00b - September 18th, 2009

Has anyone ever heard of Haskell?

Posted by BloodyN00b - August 28th, 2009

Well, I just wanted to say that I won't be uploading much during the summer, since I recon I'll have lots of other important stuff to do like, for example, /4nGi!"m( and (%&N/n43..
After summer I'll be studying studying computer science at university, but I'm sure I'll find the time to make and upload the kind of crap my projects tend to turn into. It's possible that I have gotten better at composing, but I doubt it would be noticable yet. We'll see in autumn.

EDIT: Problems with a time dilation field, caused by the Equalizers, unfortunately made this post be published approximately three months behind schedule, with some data-corruption. Sorry for that.

Posted by BloodyN00b - May 4th, 2009

My 18th birthday was yesterday. It was a very ordinary day, which effectively eliminates any good topics to write about. It's scary how nothing special really happened. It's like when you put an equalizer on a track in order to make it sound better even though you know that nothing will happen.
Well, at least, now that I'm 18 years old I can do things without needing parental consent, which I've almost never needed for anything anyway =P

Lately I haven't been uploading much music, but I'm working to change that. My 19th year alive will be a productive one. So, I'll start with Bunker Infiltrarion; it's got weird sounds and no equalizers, and it's also 3 minutes long. It is filled with plenty of weird effects that completely ruin the original mood, yet add something interesting the the whole thing. I hate it, but you better love it... or I'll hate you too :(

Posted by BloodyN00b - January 18th, 2009

Dear Newgrounder,

In this post I am going to vent my current feelings. These are not feelings about world politics and military conflicts, nor are they feelings about economy and stock markets. They are not feelings about crime and terrorism, they don't even concern the common topics about neither world hunger, AIDS, global warming, nor religion.

So, now you may wonder what my feelings might be about?
The answer is simple: Equalizers.
You may already know what an equalizer is, but I'll write it down to prevent possible misunderstandings.

An equalizer is an electronic device that processes audio signals; it boost or reduces the volume of chosen frequency ranges. After extensive studying it appears to me that this function is fundamental to have in the music industry, but the reason why eludes me (more on this later).
Anyway, the striking popularity of the equalizer has led to the development of various types of said device.
There are hardware equalizers, software equalizers, parametric equalizers, and graphical equalizers (well, duh). There are also big equalizers, tiny equalizers, bad equalizers, and good equalizers (arguable). And if you use FL Studio 8, you might also have encountered the stealthy invisible equalizer which starts messing with your frequencies right as you start exporting your song (experts say it could be a compressor, but I don't believe it unless I see it).
In fact, it would not surprise me if there even are organic equalizers lurking around, who will one fine day gain world domination, subduing the human race by successfully boosting eardrum-ravaging frequencies until they almost overheat themselves.

After having to listen to the crap these anti-social organic machines spam the planet's frequency spectrum with, one would be happy when your eardrums finally pop off, but no, after your eardrums perish your mind will be scarred forever having heard sound waves you'd never imagine existed.
And this is all Tier1, I'm not even going to mention the torment all living beings would have to withstand if the Equalizers would upgrade themselves further.

So, now that I have given you an idea about what equalizers are like, it is more likely that you will be able to at least somewhat relate to what I am about to write.

Around 4 hours ago, I was working on a completely new musical project. And I mean completely new, on a whole new level that all my previous projects. It features an accordion, two guitars (two different distortion effects), drums, and of course a violin (seriously, you must always include a violin :B).
You have no idea how cool these instruments sound together... in my mind!
Reality unfortunately differs from vision, and therefore I put my faith in mixing. I must say that volume knobs are powerful, but I already knew they wouldn't do wonders. I knew I had to do the inevitable, and so, I loaded up some equalizers; one for each instrument.
What a mistake to make!

I sat for an eternity trying to work with them unholy thingamabobs, trying to bring forth peace among my instruments, but it was of no use. Those equalizers seriously have a mind of their own, but it's a demonic, possessed, mind. And they have no bloody ear!
I thought that the only thing that kept me going was hope, I have read tales about both ancient and contemporary masters who have successfully managed to tame these infernal devices and produce the clearest of sounds. Many wise men have tried to guide me on the right path towards doing the same, but I have yet to discover the methods of the obviously necessary ritual of exorcism.
I did not realize that the hope I felt was what the equalizers wanted me to feel, as it was slowly dragging me into the diabolic deeps they must have spawned from.
As I was being dragged down, having no clue about it, I bet I had even less of a clue what would ultimately rescue me from the equalizers' claws. Perhaps it was thanks to my subconscious, destiny, or simply luck.

I happen to be the kind of person who runs a multitude of applications simultaneously on my computer, and from time to time some applications conflict with each other or simply, just crash. Usually, when this happens I transform into a reckless beast and curse everything from semi-conductors to alien lifeforms on planets so far away from Earth that your mind would explode if you'd try to imagine it (you'll have to trust my words on that), but today, when FL Studio caused an application error, it came as a blessing in disguise. Instead of transforming into a space traveling beast with bad manners, I reached a higher state of consciousness which made me realize the things I have written in this post.

And as I've reached the end of this story, it also springs to mind how time consuming it was to write all this. All the time I've spent writing the truth about equalizers, I could have spent on perfecting my compositions. May this serve you as a warning, never trust an equalizer, ever.

Posted by BloodyN00b - December 31st, 2008

Well, it's late and I'm tired. And when I'm tired I have even less control of what I write than when I'm not.
But I must say that some recent events have made me quite depressed.
I have seen friends grow distant from me, myself growing distant from my family, and almost all social contact what so ever, since I started working with music.
Now, this is not the first time I've seen this happen. In fact, it seem like I have periods in which I focus on one thing, and then move on to a period when I focus on something else, without properly learning what I was focusing on earlier.

This way, I've managed to become an administrator of a browser based game, I've managed to become the best - or one of the best - student/-s at programming at school. I have also learned the basics of several musical instruments this way, I have played the piano, the violin, drums, and stuff like ocarinas and jaw harps - for no good what so ever, because I always lose focus before I manage to properly learn them.
The same thing goes with sports, I've trained too many sports to be mentioned here, some on an almost professional level, but what good is it for when I can't manage concentrate on it properly.

Anyway, these changes of focus do not only have influence on my skills, but also on my social contacts, or rather, my friends. Each time I start focusing on something I seem to gain friends who share my new interest, and I lose friends who do not share it. But I always tend to naturally have someone to talk to about whatever it is that I want to talk about.
Little did I realize that my social network has actually been getting smaller and smaller, and weaker.

I've noticed that of the about 100 on-line friends I used to speak with regularly a couple of years ago, I now have about 0. And my real life bonds are falling apart as well. Although there are a lot of people who would probably say that they would always be there for me when I'd need them, I doubt they would, and likewise I also feel that I would not be there for them at their time of need anymore.
And since a friend in need is a friend indeed, I guess that almost all my current bonds will lead to nowhere.

Currently, I am in a period where I'm focusing on audio production and music theory, I had a similar period two years ago, but it's more intense now. It's so intense that I could swear I'll become NG famous next year. I really feel like I have what it takes to learn what is necessary to produce great songs.
However, I have only one person who I can talk to about music creation as a friend. And he's gone over the holidays, which means that lately I've had none. And, extremely illogical, irrational and possibly retarded as it is, I feel kind of... lonely. And it's starting to drive me mad.

Since my period of audio production started, I've been lurking the audio forum for hours every day. It has been the most valuable source of information to me, and I've learned a lot.
I haven't written many posts there because I don't really feel like I have the knowledge to participate most discussions there. Neither have I had a need to create any own topics, because at my level I have no questions that haven't already been posted by someone else there.
The only thread I'd probably consider posting in right now is The Audio Forum Lounge, to try to get to know some of the audio artists, my idols, a little.
However, I can't really find much sense in that thread, so I don't really know what I'd write.

But I have not been thinking of that a lot, because I started to feel at home here, I guess. I enjoyed lurking the forum, knowing that one day - one day -, I would be the one who would provide answers to people's questions.

(And that basically covers a lot of my personality and background to what made the following event post this news post)

Well, I rediscovered the Newgrounds Audio Irc Chat! thread today. What a lovely discovery, a real-time chat for the audio people, way better than the lounge in my opinion! I joined immediately, and spent some time there. All was great, especially since one of my favorite audio producers, who was on the IRC, spoke to me a little.

We didn't speak for long though, because I [accidentally] told him that I'm quite new to audio. His response to this was quite hostile, something along the lines of the IRC channel being for audio regulars only and not newbies asking for audio-help. I thought he was joking, no one was even discussing music, sound or any audio. So I told him that I thought I'd just stick around and listen to the pro's talking to pick up a thing or two. His outburst was again hostile, some simile concerning osmosis. At this point I stopped believing it was a joke, it's hard to tell on the Internet, but it didn't feel much like a joke. I wondered what would happen next, but the guy left IRC before further discussion could take place.

So, that doesn't make me feel very welcome at the IRC channel, but not even Newgrounds anymore. That guy has been one of my favorite artists for as long as I can remember having this account (check my sign up date), and I never imagined he would be the first one to go hostile on me on Newgrounds.
Now I do not even know if those audio artists whose threads I lurk about every day should really be my idols.
I was more worried about zero bombers and angry reviewers, but I guess those were never the real threat for me. My real weakness lies within my way of managing social relations. I have nobody to lean on now, I'm on my own.
It feels almost like if I've just been asked to leave my home.

It's 6.15 am now, so my thoughts are probably not very clear, and as soon as I finish writing this, I'm going to bed to sleep on this situation. In 8 hours I'll probably have forgotten how I felt when writing this.

Posted by BloodyN00b - December 26th, 2008

In a couple of days we will enter a new year, a new year with new opportunities, possibilities, events. A new year of life and happiness, as well as sorrow and death. New choices are to be made and most probably new hardships to get through.
For this next year to be better than this one, we all should take a moment to look back upon 2008 before it runs out. Look back and reflect upon ourselves, yourself, what have you done, what path of life have you taken? Has this year been kind to you? And, more importantly, have you been good? What have you learned, and what do you want to learn?
Actually, now that I've written this I realize that there is one question that could sum everything up pretty well: What are you dreams, and are you living up to them?
Within that question is my answer to what should be done to make make 2009 the best year yet.
As a reminder, I would like to point out that my dreams are not necessarily personal. I do, and I hope that you do or will, include not only yourself, but all people of the earth, in your dreams.

Yeah, so I guess it's about time for me to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

May you have the power to make your dreams come true.

(as a side note, I never proof read my posts, and I apologize for any grammar errors or unclear thoughts. My reason for writing this was simply to give my good wishes to everyone)

Posted by BloodyN00b - December 11th, 2008

Today I was not at school. The reason being a common cold :(
Now, normally I'd say: "Yay I got a cold, now I can stay at home playing <insert long RPG game here> with a valid excuse!".
Unfortunately, I cannot say that now, because of a LAN party this weekend at which I have to attend no matter what.
As ridiculous as that may sound, it is true, because I happen to be responsible for setting up and maintaining the network itself. Add to that, that I know almost nothing about networking and that LAN party won't be just with a couple of friends, about 100 persons will be there.
I will probably have some time for gaming there, but no way will I be able to sink down into an RPG while having a cold - at a LAN party - while being responsible for the network :(
How did I get wrapped up into this anyway?

When things like these happen, I always do the last thing I should be doing to escape the stress.
First, I tried working on my music, but that requires concentration and patience.
So instead, I made some graphics, lol. This page now has an awesome header and I have that icon thingy as well, also awesome, by myself... and yeah... one day someone will have to make me something better =)

I also started signed up at flashflash revolution, but talking about that would lengthen this below-average quality post even more. So I'll just stop here. Have a nice day.

Posted by BloodyN00b - November 12th, 2008

Welcome to my humble profile!
About three weeks ago, I submitted a loop to the audio portal for the first time. That was no big success, but it was my first step to start making music again, after a two-year long break.
I have yet a long way to go before I'll be able to do good stuff, but Newgrounds has already helped me a lot. To be more specific, Psy-nigma has helped me out a lot with all kinds of things. I am very grateful :)
But because music is more interesting than my words, take a listen to what he did with my latest project: The Bloody 140 (Psy-remix).
I hope he'll keep collaborating with me in the future as well :)